(B.Sc. - I Year) (Semester-II)
Subject: -Analytical Chemistry
Paper No.-IV (Basic Analytical Chemistry)
(Link of Units)
Unit:-I) Gravimetric method of Analysis - I :
Unit: - II) Gravimetric method of Analysis - II:
Unit: - III) Types of Precipitants and Their Application:
Unit: - IV) Solvents and Reagents:
(B.Sc - II Year) (Semester-III)
Subject: - Chemistry
Paper No.-VI (Organic + Inorganic Chemistry)
Part-(B) Inorganic Chemistry
(Link of Units)
Unit:-V (A) Theory of Qualitative analysis:
B) Non –aqueous Solvents:
(B.Sc - II Year) (Semester-III)
Subject: - Chemistry
Paper No.-VII (Physical + Inorganic Chemistry)
Part-(II) Inorganic Chemistry
(Link of Units)
Unit: - V (A) Nuclear Chemistry:
(B) Theory of gravimetric Analysis:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qEx30_0QRBEAkXy5TW_4R6q3ZfBHyxLu/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110227385681563170251&rtpof=true&sd=true