About us:
Raosaheb Jamkar Library plays a vital role in furthering the academic and research mission of Shri Shivaji College and facilitates creation and dissemination of knowledge, The Library established in the year 1961. In 1994 it was housed in a separate three storied building of 15000sq feet. It is being enriched steadily. It is located at the central place of the college. Library is user focused, innovative and excellence driven. The Library has always benefited from the Institute’s culture, it pioneer in adopting new technology. It manages knowledge ,both print and digital formats ensures seamless discovery and access to these scholarly resources and provides faculty, students and staff with professional support to find, evaluate, manage and use such resources. We are trying our level best to provide educational resources to the users within least time. Our aim is to satisfy the users. The library aims to develop a comprehensive collection of documents that are useful for the faculty, students and research scholars in their education and research activities.
Mission and Goals
The mission of Raosaheb Jamkar Library is to support the college mission in identifying, organizing, preserving and offering accessible resources which serve the needs of the college staff members, students, and research scholars. In addition the library seeks to locate, acquire, organize, and select the most appropriate material and make it accessible to users. It is also the mission of library to build a comprehensive, balanced library collection and provide a good environment for reading, learning and research.
The goals of the Raosaheb Jamkar Library are to:
- Provide current library materials and databases that support the academic curriculum
- Provide access to information resources, regardless of location
- Acquisition of library materials in all formats, broaden and update all collections to meet the needs of Shri Shivaji College’s programmes and support the various aspects of the Institution: teaching, training, research and services.
- Provide a information literacy programmes to educate and assist college students and staff in the identification and effective use of information resources.
- Continue to strengthen and update all collections to meet the needs of college’s programmes
- Preserve College’s collections and materials and maintain and upgrade physical and technological infrastructure to enhance the quality of service.
Mr.DHAS ARUN | SR. CLERK | B.A | 01 JAN. 1984 | |
Smt. V.B.PANCHANGE | LAB ATTENDANT | M.A., M.Lib& I.Sc | 15 Mar 2013 | |
MASKE ASHOK R. | PEON | S.S.C | 15 Jun 1996 |
Library Advisory Committee
Library is governed by Library Advisory Committee (LAC). The Principal is the chairman of the committee while The Librarian is the secretary. The Committee consists of 10 members includes Vice Principal and HODs and faculty representatives of various departments of college. Committee members meet at least once in the semester. Committee members discuss issues pertaining to library administration, collection development, services, and policy decisions. Members give suggestions for the improvement in library services and collection development for the benefit of students and staff members.
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Position |
1 | Dr.B.U.Jadhav | Principal | President |
2 | Dr.R.B.Tekale | Librarian | Secretary |
3 | Dr.S.N.Keshatti | Vice-Principal | Member |
4 | Ms.M.A.Bhate | Associate Professor (Microbiology) | Member |
5 | Dr.R.S.Nitonde | Assistant Professor (English) | Member |
6 | Dr.M.S.Parturkar | Assistant Professor (Commerce) | Member |
7 | Mr.A.N.Dahale | Lecturer in Pol.Sci | Member |
8 | Mr. S.N.Munde | Lecturer in Mathematics | Member |
9 | Mr. V.R.More | Registrar | Member |
10 | Mrs. Mudiraj Arti Manoj | Student Representative | Member |
Collection Development:
Raosaheb Jamkar Library is one of the oldest and largest College Library in the University Jurisdiction. It has a rich collection of about 118561 books and1596 bound volumes of journals. Every section is carefully equipped with books which are of use to students specializing different subjects. Library Subscribes 142 National /International levels periodicals. Non Print Material in its collection comprises many books in CD/DVD format, and largest multimedia edition of “Marathi Vishvakosh” is available in CD format. We try to satisfy information needs of library users at the maximum level. We are giving technology based facilities and services such as Internet facility, Web-OPAC, Reference service through online databases, e-books & e-journals, e-bulletin, information literacy programme, book issue return through barcode scanner etc.
(As on 30 Nov. 2022)
Total No of Books up to 31 March 2012 118414
No of Books Added Up to 30 Nov. 2022 147
Total No. of Books in the Library 30 Nov. 2022 118561
No. of Periodicals/Journals 142
No. of News Papers in the Library 14
E-Books (N-List) 31,64300+
E-Journals 6293+
No. of CD’s 239
Audio-Video 07
Audio Cassette 11
Library Services
- Circulation (Bar-code Circulation system)
- Reference Service: Library Professionals are pleased to help the users in locating and disseminating information from the available sources in the Library. Special Reference Books for Competitive Exams(CSIR/UGC/NET/SLET,IAS, Banking, Railways & other exams)
- Inter-Library Loan: Publications that are not available in the Library and are requested by users can be obtained on loan from other Institutes, likewise publication will also be lent out on a reciprocal basis to other Institutes
- Reprographic Service: – Xerox / Photocopying service is made available in the Library
- User Education/ Orientation Programme: is a part of the Dissemination of Information the Library. To inculcate reading habits among newly joined students and User Education Programs/Orientation programs are conducting yearly to introduce about the library collections, services and facilities of the library.
- Internet Service: – Internet service is available for all categories of users of the Library.
- E- Journals & E-Books : – Library has subscribed to NLIST package of E-Journals & E-Books available ‘on-line’ for the benefit of its users. Only the members of the Library can access these resources through Internet.
- Press coverage clippings of College News
- Current Awareness Service:
- Quarterly list of Newly added books
- List of Contents through E-Mail
- Weekly Display of Newly added Periodicals
- Departmental loan
- Reservation book facility
- Reading Hall is being kept open through the year students can read their personal books in the reading hall.
Library Rules
General Rules:
- Silence should be observed strictly in the Library.
- Every student must possess his/ her Library Card while making use of the Library facility and produce the same to the Library Staff on entering the Library
- All the students shall sign in the visitor’s register at the entrance of the Library.
- Users are not allowed to bring their personal belongings in the library. All members are required to leave their personal belongings (Books, Files, Briefcases, Handbags, and Registers etc) at the entrance of the library at the property counter.
- Before entering in to the library students should switch off their cell phones.
- Drinks & eatables are not allowed in the library. Sleeping / Hot Talk /Un- necessary Discussion/ Loud Voice /Disturbance /putting foot on tables & chairs / unbalanced talk with colleagues are not allowed in the library.
- Membership is open to all the staff and students of the College
Book Issue Rules:
- All the students can obtain their library card on production of college Identity Card.
- Library Cards are not transferable.
- Members are responsible for all books borrowed against their Library Card
- Books other than reference books will be issued to student member on loan for a period of 7 days.
- Reference books will not be issued; but are available for study within the Library.
- Tearing of sheets from books and newspapers is strictly prohibited and is punishable.
- Members must satisfy themselves whether the books are in good condition, before they leave the counter. If any damage is noticed, the same must be immediately intimated. Otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage.
- Don’t write, underline or mark the library books. The library books are carefully examined on return and the borrower will be held responsible for defacing or damaging to, or loss of library book(s) in his/her possession.
Fine amount rules:
- In case of default in the return of books, Rs.0.50/- per day. In case of default in the return of CD-ROM, Rs.5/- per day will be levied. All holidays will be included in arriving at the number of days of overdue.
- Loss of Library Card and books should be reported to Librarian immediately.
- Duplicate Card will be issued on payment of Rs.25/- per ticket.
- In the event of any book being lost, it shall be replaced by another copy by the concerned and overdue charges will be levied. In case the borrower is unable to replace, 1.5 times of the cost of book (recent Price of the book) and overdue charges, if any, will be levied on the borrower.
- Students are expected to use the book carefully, and handle it with care. If the book is lost or damaged the students are held responsible for it and shall replace the book or pay double cost of the book
- Reading Hall Rules
- Keep Silence in the reading hall.
- Drinks and Eatables are not allowed.
- Every student must have his/her Identity Card while entering in the reading hall.
- Write your name and sign in the register while entering in the reading hall.
- Reading Hall timings will be extended during examinations with prior notice.
- Reading Hall will be kept open on Sunday between 10.00 am to 5.00 pm during examinations.
- Magazines, Newspapers, Question Paper sets, Reference books are not allowed to take outside the library.
- Suggestion Box is kept at the counter in the library. Your objective and positive/healthy suggestions are welcome.
- Strict action will be taken for any misbehavior in the reading hall.
- Kindly switch off the mobile phone whenever you are in the reading hall.
- Digital Library Rules
- Internet / Digital facility is for all students.
- Every student will get 1hr. for the use of Internet.
- Students must register their name & timing, one day before.
- Playing games, chatting, Downloading any pictures/ songs, videos & misuse of internet is not allowed.
- Do not save any material on PC.
- Printing/Downloading is allowed with prior permission of Librarian.
- Printing/Xeroxing will be provided on payment.
- Every newly admitted student should attend the Information Literacy Programme of library.
Floor Plan:
The Library is housed in a separate two storied building of its own. It consists of-
Ground Floor:
- Librarian’s Chamber
- Reprographic section
- Reference Section
- Textbook Section
- Network Resource Section
- Circulation Sections for students and staffs
- Property counter
First Floor:
- Reading room for Teachers & Researchers
- Processing Sections
- Bound Volumes of Periodicals
- Stack Room
Second Floor:
- Reading room for Students
- Periodical Section
Sr.No | Name of Newspaper | Language | Numbers |
1 | Lokmat | Marathi | 2 |
2 | Lokmat Samachar | Hindi | 1 |
3 | Lokmat Times | English | 1 |
4 | Sakal | Marathi | 2 |
5 | Samna | Marathi | 2 |
6 | Deshonatti | Marathi | 2 |
7 | Loksatta | Marathi | 2 |
8 | Maharashtra Times | Marathi | 2 |
9 | Punya Nagri | Marathi | 2 |
10 | Agro One | Marathi | 1 |
11 | Dainik Bhaskar | Hindi | 1 |
12 | |||
13 | Indian Express | English | 1 |
14 | Times of India | English | 1 |
17 | Ekmat | Marathi | 1 |
18 | Zunjar Neta | Marathi | 1 |
19 | Pudhari | Marathi | 1 |
20 | Gavkari | Marathi | 1 |
21 | Dilasa | Marathi | 1 |
22 | Godatir Samachar | Marathi | 1 |
Periodicals in the library | ||||
List of Journals/ periodicals 2015-16 | ||||
Sr.No | Name | Periodicity | National /Internal | Journal/Magazine |
1 | A Quarterly Computer sci. journal | Q | I | J |
2 | Adhunik kisan (Marathi) | W | N | M |
3 | Ajkal (H) | M | N | M |
4 | Akshrgatha (Marathi) | Q | N | M |
5 | Akshyurja (H) | BM | N | M |
6 | Alochna (H) | Q | N | M |
7 | AL-Risala (U) | M | N | M |
8 | Amhi udojika (Marathi) | M | N | M |
9 | Amrut (Marathi) | M | N | M |
10 | Annals of Library & Information Studies | Q | I | J |
11 | Antrnad (Marathi) | M | N | M |
12 | Asian Journal Of Microbiology, biotechnology & environmental Sciences | Q | I | J |
13 | Asian Quarterly | Q | I | J |
14 | Baliraja (Marathi) | M | N | M |
15 | Banking Fiancés | M | N | M |
16 | Bhartiya itihas aani sanskruti (Marathi) | Q | N | J |
17 | Bhartiya shikshan (Marathi) | M | N | M |
18 | Bioinfolet | Q | N | J |
19 | Biology Today | M | N | M |
20 | Bulletin of Marathawada Mathematical Society | HY | N | J |
21 | Bulletin Of Materials science | BM | I | J |
22 | Bulletin of pure applied science- Botany | HY | I | J |
23 | Bulletin of pure applied science- Chemistry | HY | I | J |
24 | Bulletin of pure applied science -Zoology | HY | I | J |
25 | Bulletin of pure applied science Library Progress | HY | I | J |
26 | Bulletin of pure applied science -Physics | HY | I | J |
27 | Business express | M | N | M |
28 | Careers 360 | M | N | M |
29 | Cronicle | M | N | M |
30 | Char choghi | M | N | M |
31 | Chemistry Today | M | N | M |
32 | Chitrlekha | W | N | M |
33 | Chankya mandal | M | N | M |
34 | Communicator | Q | N | J |
35 | Competition Of Affairs | M | N | M |
36 | Competition success Review | M | N | M |
37 | Contributions to Indian sociology | Q | I | J |
38 | Current affairs | M | N | M |
39 | Current Sciences | FN | I | J |
40 | Data Quest | FN | N | M |
41 | Digit | M | N | M |
42 | Documentation in Public administration | Q | I | J |
43 | Down To earth | M | N | M |
44 | Dream | M | N | M |
45 | Electronics for you | M | N | M |
46 | Employment news | W | N | M |
47 | English Studies | Q | I | J |
48 | Entrepreneurship development | Q | I | J |
49 | Fishing Chimes | M | I | J |
50 | General knowledge | M | N | M |
51 | Granthalaya Vidnyan (hindi) | Q | I | J |
52 | grnthpariwar | M | N | J |
53 | Gruha shobhika | M | N | M |
54 | GUL Bootay (U) | M | N | M |
55 | Ijmhrm | TIY | I | J |
56 | India Today (E) | M | N | M |
57 | Indian Journal Of animal research | BM | I | J |
58 | Indian Journal Of Biochemistry & Biophysics | BM | I | J |
59 | Indian Journal Of Biotechnology | Q | I | J |
60 | Indian Journal Of Chemistry (SEC-A) | M | N | J |
61 | Indian Journal Of Chemistry (SEC-B) | M | N | J |
62 | Indian Journal of Information Library & society | HY | N | J |
63 | Indian Journal Of Pathology & Microbiology | Q | I | J |
64 | Indian Journal Of Pure Applied Physics | M | I | J |
65 | Indian literature | BM | I | J |
66 | Indiana today (H) | M | N | M |
67 | Journal Of Indian writing In English | HY | N | J |
68 | Journal Of Astrophysics Astronomy | Q | I | J |
69 | Journal Of Banking information Technology & Management | HY | I | J |
70 | Journal Of biosciences | Q | I | J |
71 | Journal Of Chemical sciences | M | I | J |
72 | Journal Of genetics | TIY | I | J |
73 | Journal Of Indian Chemical Society | M | I | J |
74 | Khagol | Q | N | M |
75 | Kurukshetr | M | N | M |
76 | Lab Experiments | Q | I | J |
77 | Llit | M | N | M |
78 | Lokprbha | W | N | M |
79 | Lokprshasan (H) | HY | N | J |
80 | Lokrajya | M | N | M |
81 | Lokrajya (U) | M | N | M |
82 | Mahanamainsha | M | N | I |
83 | Maratha marga | M | N | M |
84 | Marmik | W | N | M |
85 | Mathematics Education | TIY | N | I |
86 | Mathematics Today | M | N | M |
87 | Maytichy palikade | TIY | N | M |
88 | Media mimansa | Q | N | J |
89 | Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Abstracts | BM | I | J |
90 | Milunisaryjani | M | N | M |
91 | NACC News | Y | N | M |
92 | Nagarlok | Q | N | J |
93 | National Geographic | M | I | J |
94 | Nav anushtan | BM | N | M |
95 | Naya Work ( U) | M | N | J |
96 | Nokari express (Marathi) | TIY | N | M |
97 | Nokari margdarshak (Marathi) | W | N | M |
98 | Nokari margdarshan (Marathi) | W | N | M |
99 | Nokari sandarbha (Marathi) | TIY | N | M |
100 | Open Source For You | M | N | M |
101 | Out look (H ) | M | N | M |
102 | Paryavarn vimrsh | Q | N | M |
103 | Physics Today | M | N | M |
104 | Pramana :Journal OF Physics | M | I | J |
105 | Pratishtan | M | N | M |
106 | Proceeding o f Mathematical Science | Q | N | J |
107 | Prtiyogita drpan ( H ) | M | N | M |
108 | Quartos ( U ) | BM | N | M |
109 | RBI Bulletin | M | I | J |
110 | Resonance Journal of Science Education | M | I | J |
111 | Sahity amrut | M | N | M |
112 | Samajprbodhan patrika (Marathi) | Q | N | M |
113 | Samany dnyan darpan ( H ) | M | N | M |
114 | Samkarlin sahity samchar | M | N | M |
115 | Sampda (Marathi) | BM | N | M |
116 | Samyayog sadhana (Marathi) | W | N | J |
117 | Saprada parikasha (Marathi) | M | N | M |
118 | Saptahik sadna (Marathi) | W | N | M |
119 | Saptahik sakal (Marathi) | W | N | M |
120 | Scientific American | M | I | J |
121 | Shikshan sankraman (Marathi) | M | N | M |
122 | Shri gururdev (Marathi) | M | N | M |
123 | Sociological Bulletin | TIY | I | J |
124 | Srishti | Q | N | M |
125 | Success mirror | M | N | M |
126 | Tahreer -E-Nav (U) | M | I | J |
127 | Tars eel (U) | BM | N | J |
128 | Terra Green | M | N | M |
129 | The Indian journal of public administration | Q | N | J |
130 | The Managements Accountant | M | N | M |
131 | The shair monthly Bombay | M | N | J |
132 | Udojak (Marathi) | M | N | M |
133 | University news | W | N | J |
134 | University Today | W | N | M |
135 | Urmi (Marathi) | Q | N | M |
136 | Vichkshan (Marathi) | Q | N | M |
137 | vidhura | M | N | M |
138 | Vypari mitra (Marathi) | M | N | M |
139 | World Digital Library | HY | I | J |
140 | Yes Osho (H) | M | N | M |
141 | Yoga : The Quest | M | I | M |
142 | Yojana (Marathi) | M | N | M |